Uncategorized – The Whirled League https://wbl.dmlco.com/wp Baseball The Way It Never Was Sat, 12 Jun 2021 21:02:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 178681366 Bombs Away! https://wbl.dmlco.com/wp/2021/06/12/bombs-away/ Sat, 12 Jun 2021 21:02:04 +0000 https://wbl.dmlco.com/wp/?p=1168 Thanks to the efforts of our underpaid research department, we now have a place for a variety of statistics unavailable through OOTP’s usual reports, including all of the 500+ ft. homeruns hit in the WBL. There have been 8 such blasts so far this season, with one batter doing it twice.

Not sure what is more surprising: Casey Stengel‘s presence or Eugenio Suarez‘. Certainly Curt Blefary being on there twice is a bit of an eye-opener.

525 ft. Albert Pujols (KCM)
515 ft. Carlos Correa (HOU)
514 ft. Casey Stengel (HOU)
504 ft. Curt Blefary (BAL); Eugenio Suarez (NYG)
502 ft. Wally Moon (SFS)
501 ft. Curt Blefary (BAL)
