• Kansas City is more “set” than most of the teams in the league, with only a few positions up for grabs, beginning with the 5th starter, who should come from the group of Joe Blong, Frank Castillo, and Luke Hamlin.
    • Bob Gibson has struggled, but is still slotted to make the rotation. Blong has probably pitched himself out of the picture, with Castillo and Rube Marquard most likely to get the 5th spot.
      • This whole thing is rough now. The best SP have been Marquard, Andy Petite, Jock Menefee, and Castillo. Gibson’s stuff is apparent, and probably gives him a slot. But it’s really unclear who between Menefee, Castillo, Rijo, Hamlin, and Connie Johnson get the final 2 slots.
      • That situation moves Adam Wainwright into a long relief role, and sends Blong to AAA.
    • Unexpectedly, Craig Kimbrel has struggled as the closer (3 saves, 2 losses, an ERA over 10 in 5 games), with both Jeff Pfeffer and Trevor Rosenthal making arguments for consideration for the role. Charlie Comiskey has been recalled from AAA as well.
      • It looks like closing will be split between Pfeffer and Rosenthal in the short term while Kimbrel tries to get back on track.
      • Jeremy Bonderman heads to AAA as well, with Todd Worrell coming in as middle/long relief.
  • After that, it’s really a matter of which reserve IFs are kept–the odds are one of Rex Hudler, Ozzie Smith, or Gene Freese start in the minors.
    • This looks to be Hudler, as Freese is having a great Spring and Smith, whose glove compensates for a lot, is actually out-performing Jack Rowe at SS. The situation is complicated by Frankie Frisch‘s early struggles.
      • Freese is emerging as the leading candidate to start at 3B, while there is little to differentiate between Smith and Rowe still.
      • Ken Oberkfell has been recalled, as has Jim Bottomley.
  • Similarly, the final OF slot (perhaps, 2 slots) is unknown, with the competition between Lou Brock, Ducky Medwick, Willie McGee with Cool Papa Bell (due to his speed) and Mark DeRosa (due to his defensive flexibility) having outside shots as well.
    • Stan Musial is yet to get going, but retains his likely starting spot. However, Steve Evans, Medwick, and Jim Edmonds are both struggling profoundly, with Edmonds being jettisoned to AAA.
      • The fact that Musial is hitting surprises noone, the fact that Fielder Jones continues to smash the ball is. Brock looks to be a solid bet for the roster, which may move both Medwick and Evens to AAA when all is said and done.
    • The biggest question here is whether a team really need both Brock and Bell, especially with McGee playing fantastically?
  • Salvador Perez can’t stop hitting and Ted Simmons can’t start, throwing plans at C into turmoil.
    • This is still true.
Near DefiniteLikelyPossibleLong Shot
Starting PitchersAndy Petite
Rube Marquard
Bob GibsonConnie Johnson
Jose Rijo
Luke Hamlin
Jock Menafee
Frank Castillo
Adam Wainwright
Middle RelieversCraig KimbrelCharlie ComiskeyTodd Worrell
SetupAdam Russell
Frank DiPino
CloserTrever Rosenthal
Jeff Pfeffer
CTed Simmons
Salvador Perez
Lew Brown
1BBoog PowellAndre ThorntonJim Bottomley
2BRogers HornsbyRex Hudler
3BGene FreeseFrankie FrischKen Oberkfell
SSJack Rowe
Ozzie Smith
OFAlbert Pujols
Fielder Jones
Stan Musial
Willie McGee
Lou Brock
Steve Evans
Ducky Medwick
Mark DeRosa
Cool Papa Bell