Baseball The Way It Never Was

Tag: Daniel Hudson

Year II Season Preview: Homestead Grays


Progress. Finishing over .500 with some clarity on long-term talent would be a success for next year.

Best Case

The roster stabilizes, and a handful of talent establishes itself as the core of future years. Napolean Lajoie and Honus Wagner settle in at 2B and SS respectively, and the OF talent clarifies. And, anyone reliable steps forward on the mound. Anyone.

Worst Case

Nothing settles, nobody figures it out, and the pitching continues to be miserable.

Key Questions

  • Who pitches?
  • For a team without top end talent, there are a surprising number of logjams (Davey Johnson and Lajoie and even the ageless Jeff Kent at 2B; Rick Reichardt and Willie Stargell at LF; Roberto Clemente, Andy Van Slyke, and Owen “Don’t Call Me Chief” Wilson in RF).

Trade Bait

Will the team hit it stride in time for Stargell to contribute? If not, he could be an attractive piece for a competitive team.

Roster Evaluation

ReichardtVan Slyke
New Addition | Injured

So. Much. Talent. So little production. Even with that, though, the presence of anything approaching average pitching makes the Grays a .500 team.

Talent Ratings

Raw PowerOF Willie Stargell3B Steve Hertz
Batting Eye1B Mike EpsteinOF Ralph Kiner
ContactOF Roberto ClementeOF Goose Goslin
Running SpeedOF Andy Van SlykeOF Sterling Marte
Base StealingIF Honus WagnerIF Bobby Wheelock
IF DefenseU Nap LajoieIF Rennie Stennett
OF DefenseOF Roberto ClementeOF Max Carey
StuffP Tim LincecumP Harry Kelley
ControlSP Bob FriendP Syl Johnson
VelocityRP Josh LindblomRP Mychal Givens

Best In The Minors

1 (13)19PClayton Kershaw
2 (21)21PTim Lincecum
3 (39)183BJudy Johnson
4 (46)19OFRalph Kiner
5 (61)24PBartolo Colón
6 (64)20PPink Hawley
7 (79)23OFPaul Waner
8 (109)22PTrevor Cahill
9 (117)23PDaniel Hudson
10 (130)203BFreddie Lindstrom
Others: P Catfish Hunter; P Nip Winters, P Ping Gardner; P Carlos Pulido; P Chris Zachary; P Dave Giusti.

Hope for the Grays persists, largely in how dense and deep their system is. 16 prospects in the top 200 bodes well for their future.

AgeP Al Worthington, 383B Judy Johnson, 18
HeightP John Candelaria, 6’7″P Earl Hamilton, 5’8″
SS Bobby Wheelock, 5’8″
OF Paul Waner, 5’8″
1B Eric McNair, 5’8″
OPSOF Harvey Hendrick, 1.088 (—)IF Ken Harrelson, .432 (WBL)
HROF Starling Marte, 42 (—)
IF JJ Hardy, 42 (—)
C Peaches Graham, 0 (WBL/AAA)
SBCF Andrew McCutchen, 33 (WBL)Many with 0
WAROF Andy Van Slyke, 5.7 (WBL/AAA/AA)IF Ken Harrelson, -4.3 (WBL)
WFrank Arellanes, 15 (—)
Moose Haas, 15 (—)
Daniel Hudson, 3 (WBL/AAA/AA)
Earl Hamilton, 3 (WBL/AAA)
Doug Drabek 3 (—)
John Candelaria, 3 (WBL/AAA)
SVMychal Givens, 24 (WBL/AAA/AA)
ERACharles Nagy, 2.17 (—)John Candelaria, 6.84 (WBL/AAA)
WARCharles Nagy, 5.3 (—)John Candelaria, -1.1 (WBL/AAA)
Stats are across all levels. 200 PA / 75 IP min. Non WBL leagues indicated by —.

TWIWBL 56.10: Spring Training Notes – Homestead Grays

Spring Training Questions

Up to nine spots on the mound are up for grabs, including 3 rotation slots. Positional depth needs to be resolved in the lineup. Second round draft pick Judy Johnson will be given every shot to seize the 3B job.


Daniel Hudson has missed most of camp so far, but might be back to show enough to make the opening day roster.

First Cuts

With 28 pitchers starting off in camp, Homestead clearly had a lot of work to do, with many decisions destined to be made on very limited data. Here’s who didn’t make the cut after the first week of Spring Training: starters Pink Hawley, Clayton Kershaw, John Candelaria, and Hal Carlson and relievers Mychal Givens, Ed Seward, and Ricardo Rincón.

With that many arms still in camp, the Grays only moved one C, Tim Thompson, out of camp, along with 3B’s Freddie Lindstrom and Brock Holt. Judy Johnson is hitless so far, but has impressed the coaching staff enough to stick around a little more.

Impressive starts from Rey Sáncehz and Jack Wilson at SS have forced Dick Groat out of camp, while Rennie Stennett remains, largely on the bases of his performances towards the end of last season. Jeff Kent has also been impressive, although Davey Johnson remains the presumptive starter at 2B.

Paul Waner is tearing the cover off the ball, but his brother Lloyd is hitless, meanings the siblings will be separated with Llyod heading back to the minors, along with CF Darren Lewis. That’s left a crowded OF still pretty clogged: Ralph Kiner has impressed with his power, Max Carey with his speed, and Goose Goslin is barely holding onto a spot. Of those three plus the remaining Waner, there looks to be–at most–a single roster spot available.

Second Cuts

Only 4 pitchers–Gary Lucas, Gary Nash, Ray Brown, and Bartolo Colón–have ERA’s over 2. Of those, Brown and Colón will be given some more time, but both Nash and Lucas were shipped off to the minors. That still leaves a ton of arms in camp, so something will have to give over the next week.

C Tim Thompson was shipped out. Rick Ferrell probably should be, but his defense and his WBL experience keeps him around for now.

18 year old Judy Johnson turned some heads with his defense, but needs some time in the minors. The Grays recalled Pedro Feliz for depth at 3B.

Goose Goslin and Max Carey were also sent down, although Carey was recalled a few days later, just to provide another glove in CF.

The Grays are in an interesting spot: a host of players who were assumed to not have much chance to make the team are performing fantastically, led by Ps Doug Drabek and Cliff Lee and position players Ed Kranepool, Paul Waner, Jeff Kent, Rey Sánchez, Chris Sabo, Cam Carreón, and Jack Wilson. This has created some unanticipated competition, keeping camp crowded but also making the next week quite crucial.

Third Cuts

Homestead continues to retool their pitching staff, with Bartolo Colón‘s poor Spring sending him to the minors along with Arodys Vizcaíno and Ping Gardner. Other than Francisco Liriano as their opening day starter and Josh Lindblom as their closer, though, nothing on the staff is settled.

The backup C slot continues to be challenging: Del Crandall has been spectacular, but doesn’t offer much defensively. Cam Carreón was demoted, but Peaches Graham and Rick Ferrell remain in the mix with Crnadall behind Josh Gibson.

Pedro Feliz, Max Carey, and Ralph Kiner were all sent down as well. That still leaves 1B and the OF overcrowded, and the Grays’ obsession with Rennie Stennett needs to probably come to an end. Owen Wilson and Davey Johnson–both essentially guaranteed roster spots due to their performance last year–are struggling mightily while Ed Kranepool, Rey Sánchez, and Jeff Kent are all tearing the cover off the ball.

Final Cuts

Needing to thin out the competition for the backup C role, Peaches Graham is the first to head down to the minors, followed by Rennie Stennett and Jack Wilson as the Grays tried to figure out their infield.

Cliff Lee‘s demotion to AAA was Homestead’s first step towards clarifying their staff for opening day. But that was as far as they got in the drive to cut to 30, as Del Crandall‘s Spring performance sent Rick Ferrell down, and two players with excellent Springs–Paul Waner and Ed Kranepool–were also sent down to receive steady ABs at AAA.

Babe Adams and the impressive teenager Catfish Hunter were both sent to the minors along with Jeff Kent, who had an excellent Spring but at 37 is not part of the Grays’ plans.

Earl Hamilton was the final cut from the pitching staff, leaving the Grays with a nasty set of choices. In the end, it came down to prized prospect Napolean Lajoie, incumbent 2B Davey Johnson, of OF sub extraordinaire Owen Wilson. The Grays, in a move met with much skepticism, decided to hand the 2B position to Lajoie, sending Johnson to AAA.

Season Review: Homestead Grays

69 - 85, .448 pct.
4th in Effa Manley Division, 17 games behind.


With a .500 record predicted before the season, the Grays’ season is a bit of a disappointment: nobody could have seen the amount of talent they have on the mound performing so poorly.

This is a team building for 2, maybe 3 or 4, years down the road, so there a ton of unanswered questions that bear watching.

What Went Right

If you had Mike Epstein and Rick Reichardt on your bingo card for best players on the Grays before the season started, you’re a savant. But they were easily the best hitters over the course of the season (Epstein finished with an OPS just shy of .950; Reichardt just over .900).

Two players–OFs Andy Van Slyke and Owen “Don’t Call Me Chief” Wilson–were basically as good as those two in about a half season of work each.

Josh Gibson declared himself a superstar of the future, with an OPS of .833 as a 20 year old catcher. Davey Johnson was solid at 2B.

Rennie Stennett showed enough in 20 games to earn a look next year.

Willie Stargell has a ton of power.

Francisco Liriano was a good starter for most of the season, and Bob Friend was even better, but only put in 88 innings. Earl Hamilton was decent enough to warrant another look.

Josh Lindblom responded to losing the closer job excellently, earning it back and cementing his role for next season. Rick Ownbey and Dave Giusti surprised, pitching quite well in limited opportunities.

1B Mike Epstein; C Josh Gibson

What Went Wrong

The left side of the infield was a bit of a mess: Honus Wagner has all the talent in the world, and the Grays seem committed to him at SS long term, but he neither hit nor adapted to the position very well. And everyone else given a chance (other than Stennett) struggled mightily: Chris Sabo, Frank Taveras, Jack Wilson, Jeff Kent, and Pedro Feliz.

Roberto Clemente and Andrew McCutcheon were … fine. But the Grays really need one of them–if not both–to take a major step forward.

Willie Stargell only has a ton of power, and struck out nearly 200 times.

Nobody else that was given a chance to join the rotation was any good (Billy Pierce, Corey Kluber, Hal Carlson), and most were quite bad (Carlos Zambrano, Ray Brown, Cliff Lee, Babe Adams, John Candelaria).

Michael Jackson imploded entirely in the second half of the year.

Trade Evaluations




IF Phil Garner to San Francisco for IF Steve Hertz & 2nd Round Pick {Judy Johnson}

Given Garner’s age, getting anything for him seems fine.


P Vean Gregg & 5th Round Pick to New York Gothams for P Travis Bowyer, OF Mike Shannon & 4th Round Pick {Pink Hawley}

I mean … it’s weird for a team this desperate for pitching to trade away pitching.

IF Arky Vaughan & 3rd Round Pick to Cleveland for IF Nap Lajoie, P Arodys Vizcaíno & 1st Round Pick {Ralph Kiner}

An absolute win. Moving Vaughan clears the way for Wagner, the Grays hope Lajoie can move to 2B over time, plus the potential of Kiner.

Looking Forward


So. Much. Need. Only Ray Brown looks to be around long term, and he needs to get much better. There are useful pieces here, and Cliff Lee has a very live arm, but this is the most pressing need for the Grays organization.


Some talent in the minors, with Daniel Hudson and Mychal Givens standing out especially.


Josh Gibson has superstar written all over him.


How much do you believe in Mike Epstein? Willie Stargell will see some time here as well.


The Grays are hoping that Nap Lajoie can hold this down long term.


Very unsure. Chris Sabo and Freddie Lindstrom are in the minors, but this looks to be pretty vacant.


There is a lot of pressure on Honus Wagner to succeed at shortstop: he clearly has the athletic skill to make the transition.


How much do you believe in Rick Reichardt?


Andrew McCutchen and Max Carey each have shown some tools, but this could be an upgrade spot for the Grays.


Roberto Clemente seems to have this locked down, but there are voices in the organization that think Paul Waner could unseat him.

The Rookie Draft

Rounds 1-4

With the 4th overall pick, the Grays took the highest ceiling pitcher available, Clayton Kershaw.

Their 2nd pick in the 1st round was a bit of a surprise, and may answer the question of how much do you believe in Rick Reichardt as the Grays took franchise player Ralph Kiner. Kiner will play LF, but is probably 2-3 years away from the majors, giving the organization time to sort out its OF. I would expect the rest of their draft to focus more on needs–pitching, pitching, pitching and perhaps a 3B.

In the 2nd Round, that began with Tim Lincecum and continued with franchise pick 3B Judy Johnson, who should only accelerate Wagner’s move to SS. Homestead had no picks in the 3rd round, but 2 in the 4th. The first of those went to 3B Howard Johnson. That should give them some pieces to work with at 3B, so look for Homestead to load up on pitching for most of the rest of the draft, beginning with their last pick of the 4th round, Pink Hawley.

Rounds 5-8

Pitchers beware, Homestead is coming for you: Ed Seward is the Grays’ final exemption, followed by Johnny Morrison and Ping Gardner.

Rounds 9-12

P Nip Winters, OF Dave Hoskins; P Gary Lucas; and IF Liover Peguero.

TWIWBL 7.3: Series VI Notes – Effa Manley Division

{With the day off on April 25th, it was a time of roster moves and lineup and pitching adjustments. As such, there are a few more notes for each team than usual.}

#Cleveland Spiders

A back injury has landed Napoleon Lajoie on the disable list, with the 22-year old expected to miss about two weeks. OF Kenny Lofton was recalled from AAA.

OF Johnny Bates tied the WBL record with 5 hits, going 5-for-6 with 3 runs scored as the Spiders blew out the Wandering House of David 11-2 behind a strong performance from SP Bill Steen.

Despite making his big league debut with 4.2 scoreless innings, Wilbur Cooper was sent back to AAA when Mel Harder was activated from the DL.

The above really dictated the roster moves for the Spiders, but the lineup has seen some real changes. Look for Lofton, Rowland Office, and Sammy Strang to see significantly more playing time as the next set of games unfold.

#Homestead Grays

Ps Frank Linzy and Daniel Hudson have been absolutely hammered, and both will move to AAA, with Carlos Zambrano staying in the big leagues, but being moved out of the starting rotation, to be replaced by Hal Carlson. Despite an 0-4 record and an ERA over 8, Corey Kluber stays in the rotation for now.

Jim Hegan went 0-for-11 in his big league debut, making the choice of what to do when Peaches Graham returned from the DL pretty easy: Hegan heads back to AAA Louisville.

Pedro Feliz‘ 130/141/195 nightmare is over, as the 3B was demoted with Chris Sabo being added to the big league roster. Sabo has pressure behind him, especially at AA, where both Andy Van Slyke and Freddie Lindstrom are performing very well at the hot corner.

#Indianapolis ABC’s

Bronson Arroyo‘s refusal to accept a AAA assignment places him in a precarious position if his performances don’t improve, but for now he remains in the bullpen. Both Doc White and Tony Mullane are pitching well for Cincinnati, but remain at AAA for now.

The roster is challenging right now: when Joe Morgan returns (which is a subject of great mystery right now), Lonny Frey will head to AAA, but he’s needed right now. Pete Rose‘s slow start makes him expendable, and he’ll try to get back on track in the minors, freeing up a roster spot for RP Rob Murphy‘s return from the DL tomorrow.

#New York Black Yankees

Babe Ruth was on base 4 times and still saw his 23-game hitting streak end: 4 walks and a strikeout will do that. Still, streak sets the WBL standard on the young season.

New York has the luxury of carrying Willie Randolph, despite his 186/311/256 start, but look for Craig Counsell to see a bit more time at 2B.

#Philadelphia Stars

While the results of Jack Meyer‘s injury may change this, right now the Stars’ staff looks solid, although there is still some uncertainty as to who the final rotation member might be (John Montgomery Ward and Jaret Wright are the current candidates, with Jack Easton pitching well at AAA despite an 0-4 record there).

IF Al Smith (132/226/226) is headed to AAA, and Gene DeMontreville (135/135/162) should be joining him, but the lack of adequate middle infield depth keeps him with the Stars for the time being. Jose Ramirez will take Smith’s place on the big league roster.

Series VI Featured Game: Memphis Red Sox @ Homestead Grays, Game 1

Two WBL debuts with vastly different results, and a turn on the mound from the Splendid Splinter.

The opening game of Memphis‘ visit to Homestead saw a WBL debut from the Red Sox’ Mel Parnell as he faced off against Homestead’s Carlos Zambrano.

Zambrano gave up a run in the top of the 2nd, but the wheels fell off the following inning when the Red Sox’ Reggie Smith hit a solo HR, Wade Boggs drove in 2 with a single, and Jim Pagliaroni hit a 499 foot, 3-run bomb to put Memphis ahead 7-0.

Parnell gave up 3 runs in the bottom of the 3rd, on RBI’s by Pops Stargell and Josh Gibson, and a wild pitch that scored Stargell. And, when he couldn’t get out of the bottom of the 4th after an RBI double from Andrew McCutchen and a 2-run single from Gibson, Memphis gave in to Ted Williams‘ constant demand to be given a chance on the mound.

It did not go well.

Williams gave up a sacrifice fly and two singles before getting out of the inning, which ended with Homestead having grabbed the lead back, 8-7.

Zambrano couldn’t stand the good fortune, giving up 2 hits and a walk before being relieved by Hal Carlson. He gave up a 2-run single from Pagliaroni and a 2-run double by Dustin Pedroia, putting Memphis back on top, 11-8.

Williams wouldn’t survive the next inning, giving up four consecutive hits before giving way to another Memphis debutante, Joe Borowski. At the end of the inning, the game was tied at 11.

And suddenly, the pitchers remembered how to throw the ball, and the game stayed scoreless until the top of the 8th, when Eddie Rosario brought in Manny Ramirez on a sacrifice fly, giving Memphis a 1 run lead.

Jonathan Papelbon gave up a couple hits, but escaped the bottom of the 9th unscathed, allowing Memphis to escape with the victory despite having given up leads of 7 and 3 runs.

Gibson went 3-for-5 with 4 RBI’s for Homestead, but wasn’t around for the end, having been tossed from the game for arguing a strike call in the bottom of the 7th. Stargell and McCutcheon added 3 hits each for the Grays.

For Memphis, Pagliaroni had easily the best game of his career, going 4-for-5 with 6 RBIs.

Once Zambrano was gone, the Grays’ pitchers did alright, with Carlson, Daniel Hudson (who took the loss), and Michael Jackson combining to allow 2 runs (1 earned) over 5 innings. But they couldn’t overcome Zambrano’s 10 earned runs in his 4 innings of work.

Still, Zambrano’s game score of 8 was higher than Parnell’s of 6. Williams, who gave up 6 hits and 3 runs in 2/3 of an inning, may not see the mound again, but both Borowski and Papelbon were good, closing the game out with 5 innings of scoreless ball, and making Borowski a winner in his WBL debut.

MEM 12 (Borowski 1-0; Papelbon 2 Sv) @ HOM 11 (Hudson 1-3)
HRs: MEM: Pagliaroni (1); R. Smith (2)
Box Score

TWIWBL 2.0: Series I – Houston @ Homestead

For each set of games played, we’ll go in-depth for one series, and then have an issue of TWIWBL with news and notes from around the league.

For the opening round of games, it’s the Houston Colt 45’s visiting Pittsburgh to play the Homestead Grays.

Houston is a dark horse pick to make some noise in the league, but like so many teams, there are questions on the mound. Roy Oswalt was virtually unhittable in Spring Training, but the names Toad Ramsey and Ice Box Chamberlain don’t exactly strike fear into the hearts of many. But they should score some runs with Jim Wynn, Tony Gwynn, and George Brett setting the stage for Lance Berkman, Paul Goldschmidt, and Jeff Bagwell.

But Homestead may be one of the favorites with a lineup anchored by Pops Stargell and wunderkid Josh Gibson. The question is if Mike Epstein and Rick Reichardt–both of whom hit well in the Spring–can continue to contribute. The rotation looks good, with Corey Kluber, Carlos Zambrano, and Vean Gregg leading the way.

And then they actually play the games …

Andrew McCutchen opened the season for the Grays by taking Oswalt 388 feet to left for a HR in his first at-bat. Houston would tie it up in the top of the 3rd on a bloop single to right by Gwynn, but at that point it was clear both pitchers were on their game.

The top of the 5th saw back-to-back doubles by Grant “HR” Johnson and Jorge Posada, giving the Colt 45’s a 2-1 lead, but an inning later Epstein would tie the game with a groundout, scoring Stargell from 3rd.

A Kluber wild pitch would prove decisive, scoring Johnson from 3rd. That was it: Gwynn would score Craig Biggio, but Michael Jackson would slam the door in the 8th and Brad Lidge would earn the save, giving Houston an opening day 4-2 win.

Game 2 was close for 7 innings, as Ramsey and Gregg traded zeros, each allowing only 1 run. But Daniel Hudson relieved Gregg and was torched for 4 runs in 1 inning, The big blow was a 3 run HR from Berkman that traveled nearly 500 feet, and Houston went on to win 7-1.

Zambrano struggled through 3 innings, giving up 3 runs on 6 hits, with doubles by Goldschmidt and Wynn knocking in the runs. Stephen Strasburg had no such issues, throwing 6 shutout innings. Each team would add a run in the 8th, but Houston won again, 4-1.

At this point, the home fans were getting restless. At the least, they wanted to see the Grays score more than 1 run. Which they did–9 of them, in fact. The question is, would it be enough?

It didn’t seem so early on, as Houston scored 3 in the 1st and another Berkman HR in the 3rd put the Colt 45’s up 4-0. But in the bottom of the 4th, back-to-back doubles by Stargell and Roberto Clemente scored the Grays’ 1st run, and consecutive sacrifice flies brought the score to 4-3.

It stayed that way to the 7th, when Houston finally knocked Homestead starter Francisco Liriano out of the game, and a Wynn double made the score 5-3. Houston would add 6 more in the 8th, with a 3 run double by Bagwell and a 2 run HR by Wynn accounting for most of the damage.

The Grays would score 2 in the 8th and 4 on the 9th, with a bases-loaded triple by Davey Johnson the big hit, but it wasn’t enough, and Houston held on for the 11-9 win.

The Grays would finally get their 1st victory of the year in the series finale, winning 10-5 behind a strong start from Ray Brown. Stargell and Reichardt each hit HRs, and Clemente chipped in with 3 hits and 3 RBIs.

The strong start from Oswalt was expected, but those from Ramsey and Strasburg were a pleasant surprise for Houston, who were led by Berkman and Wynn, who combined for 11 RBI and 3 HRs. Wynn also stole 5 bases in the 5 games.

Clemente started the year red-hot with 9 hits and 5 RBI in the series, but really their issues were on the mound. The starters were mediocre, but the bullpen finished the 5 games with a 9.89 ERA.

Both teams emerged largely unscathed in the opening series: Houston’s game 5 starter, Bret Saberhagen, will miss about a week, with Dock Ellis or Scott Erickson likely to get the start when his turn in the rotation comes up again.

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