{ With under three weeks until the All Star Teams are announced, we’re looking at what’s changed since our original previews. }

Preview I here.

#AL – Bill James & Cum Posey Divisions

Original Selections: Ted Williams, Joe Jackson, Stan Musial.

Nothing has changed from the original discussion. It’s all about sorting through Memphis’ Williams, Chicago’s Jackson, Kansas City’s Musial, and Detroit’s Ty Cobb. In the first preview, I was able to use Cobb’s fewer innings played as the differentiator; now that’s no longer an issue. So, how do you decide between

Cobb: .958 OPS
Jackson: 1.054 OPS, 14 HR, 45 RBI
Musial: 1.012 OPS
Williams: .920 OPS, 12 HR

Cobb has still played less than the others, but Williams’ recent mini-slump is an issue. At the end of the day, all four should make it, but keeping it to three, right now I would have Jackson as the starter, with Musial and Cobb.

The AI picks all four.

#NL – Effa Manley & Marvin Miller Divisions

Original Selections: Ron Blomberg, Reggie Jackson, Mickey Mantle.

San Francisco’s Jackson’s run at the triple crown makes him the obvious starter in this group: a 1.134 OPS will tend to do that. That slides him ahead of Cleveland’s Blomberg, but his 13 homeruns and 1.054 OPS keep him as a selection, for sure.

The final spot is harder to assign. Miami has very few bright spots, and Jose Canseco is one of them with an .828 OPS. If he ends up being the Cuban Giants sole representative, that wouldn’t be too horrible. But the Black Yankees’ Mantle has outhit Canseco, with an OPS roughly .030 higher. And, Indianapolis’ Oscar Charleston continues to linger on the edge of the conversation, with an OPS at .800 and the best defense in right field in the league.

Currently, I would stick with Jackson, Blomberg, and Mantle, but I think that could change. The AI selects Jackson and Blomberg, along with Bobby Bonds, who made it as CF in our selections.